The worms in children

Worms in children is a reality, as they are more exposed to the environment, and helminths in their body fall with dirty hands, through the sand, and poorly washed food products (fruit and vegetables). Some helminths are transmitted through the blood of the mother to the child in the uterus, and, therefore, he has already born with parasites, live had in the intestine, or other digestive organs.

Signs of worms in children
  • The symptoms
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • The popular medicine

Unfortunately, parents have no ability to protect your child from this scourge, as well as that of a child, the worms may appear after it has been purchased in contaminated water, fondling a flea market, a cat or a dog, eats not dry apple, etc. From sick child to healthy can only be transmitted through the eggs as parasitic pests, such as ossiuri, and dwarf tapeworms – infect other helminths requires the maturation of these eggs in the bodies of intermediate hosts (dogs, cats, cows, fish, etc.). Then infect the other helminths may occur during the use of a child of the flesh or other products of infectious animals, or by direct contact with them.

In a word, the worms in children is difficult to avoid, and even if the parents from an early age to accustom the child to observe the rules of personal hygiene, yet a child may acquire the infection, dealing with the kids in the playground, play in the yard or nursery, etc.

Often the worms in the children are in the infant and child of preschool age. This is due to the insufficient development of the immune system and the barrier function of the gastro-intestinal tract.

Prevention of pest infestation (infection and their distribution) should be to comply with these simple activities:

  • wash your hands after a day spent out in the open;
  • avoid contact of the child with homeless animals (and sometimes animals, if there is a suspicion of what the helminths);
  • regular cleaning in the house with the dust removal and washing of floors;
  • wash fruits and vegetables before consumption, and a fully heat treatment of food products such as meat, fish, etc.

It will also prevent the spread of pests is to have each member of the family of his hygiene items – towels, soap. It is also important to use individual spoons, plates, cups and other cutlery.

In a bad mood

The symptoms

Signs of worms in children may be expressed or latent. According to experts, 8 out of 10 children infected with helminths, however, in most cases, the symptoms of the disease do not show. This does not mean that the helminth does not represent to the children's threats. In contrast, the latent form of the disease, when symptoms are absent, it is even more dangerous. In the first place, because in the body of the child may occur, the processes that cause serious complications in the background of infestations by helminths, and in the second place, because thus the child can be a source of infection for others (children, parents), for whom the infection can spread quickly.

If there are any worms in children the symptoms of the disease before wearing general clinic. So the child will be complaining about:

  • distraction;
  • weakness;
  • listlessness;
  • irritability;
  • mood swings.

In most cases, the symptoms of worms in children, parents take to the complex nature, trying to re-educate the child or to apply methods of correction. The more specific symptoms cause infestations elmintiche in a period of breeding activity, in the period of migration through the body, and even in those cases, when they become the cause of complications in the way of development of the child.

Of course, each type of worms can cause specific symptoms. For example, the main symptom when pinworm – severe itching in the anal area, caused during the night. But there are symptoms, about all kinds of worms, including:

  • the violation of one night of sleep, gnashing of teeth (at night);
  • dyspeptic complaints (constipation, diarrhea, mucus in the stool, blood in stool, etc.);
  • cramps pain in the navel area (this area is a place of localization of most of the helminths);
  • skin reactions such as atopic dermatitis.
The doctors

Understand that the child has worms, it is also possible in the presence of cough, not related to the mortality of the disease, on the background of good health (sometimes, when you run the migration of certain species of worms to the body), nausea and vomiting, flatulence, and, of course, when you leave the parasite with the fecal masses, which can be seen with the naked eye.

It may seem that the damage, inflicted on the helminth in the body of the child is not too important, therefore, to treat the disease that is optional (for example, the helminths themselves, they will die with time). But in reality, to reflect on the question, how to collect the worms in children, it is necessary as soon as possible, as soon as they appeared the first symptoms. Because, otherwise, there is the risk that the child will be delayed in physical and mental development, and that he will evolve some complications from inflammation of the appendix and ends acute, intestinal obstruction or even intestinal perforation. Also, according to doctors, more than half of all diseases of the skin in children are the consequence of the presence in their bodies of parasites, the treatment of which is not done.

It is necessary to highlight certain groups of symptoms, depending on the worms, parasites in the body of the child. So, if a child in the body of the worms live class nematodes (round worms), the symptoms are similar to the one described above, but with other helminthoses may be other specific symptoms, which must guide the treatment. So, at the time of the whipworm and trihozefaleze in children, there is a disorder of the chair, with the impurities of the blood and mucus in it. Notes, in addition, flatulence, vomiting, delay in mental development of a child of a younger age.

When opisthorchiasis the child increases the temperature up to sub-febrile indicators, appear skin rashes, increase of lymph nodes and the liver. He will be pain in the abdomen and right hypochondrium, nausea and vomiting, disturbances in the functioning of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract. Against the background of this infestation by helminths, if not treated promptly, can develop heavy pancreatitis and other complications.

To toksokaroze, which occurs in children up to 4 years, children are suffering pronounced rhinitis cough, appear itching, skin rashes, and affects the lungs, joints, liver and many other organs. If this disease is not treated in a timely manner, probably the development of irreversible injuries to the eyes, chorioretinitis, keratitis and other serious disorders.

The analysis

Diagnosis and treatment

Install most helminths can be, have passed the examination of feces. There is no treatment of applied research for the enterobiosi (scraping) and an in-depth study of feces for the eggs of the worms. Concomitant investigation is the analysis of the cala on the goiter. As well as is assigned to it in the common analysis of blood.

In some cases, shows the research of the blood on the DNA of these or other types of worms. But this analysis is expensive and not always justified, since DNA may persist for a long time in the blood, therefore, even if the child does not have worms, the analysis can be positive, if he has a pain of some helminth invasion is induced.

The treatment consists of the use of the tablets from worms in children. Unfortunately, the drugs that destroy helminths, have high enough of the toxic action on the whole body, in such a way that treatment is justified only in cases of confirmed the diagnosis of helminths. Drugs against the worms in children are divided into different groups, each of which acts on certain types of worms.

As already mentioned above, drugs against worms for children collects doctor, taking into account multiple features. You specify exactly which drugs have the most devastating effect on these or other worms infestation, and what drugs cause less damage to the body of the child, helping him in the shortest possible time to get rid of diseases and symptoms are severe.

The treatment, which allows you to get rid of worms, usually takes place in two stages, medications they take, once again, after two weeks, after the first year of reception, which is associated with the cycle of development and reproduction of many pests, and the inability to destroy their eggs, when they are in an inactive state. Unfortunately, in some cases, get rid of worms is only possible with the help of a surgery, for example, when you encountered the obstruction of the intestinal lumen and has evolved to intestinal obstruction.

The methods of traditional medicine in the fight against helminths

There are many traditional methods, which allow you to get rid of worms in the shortest possible time without detriment to the health of the child. Of course, the traditional methods, it is necessary to use with caution – it is best to consult with your doctor to understand, suitable for this or that remedy in the folk medicine by the worms for the children (taking into account the characteristics of their body and state of health).

The traditional methods, let you get rid of the parasites, in the form as very young children and to older children. Thus, the treatment of parasites in the body of infants can be done in this way: prepares hot garlic broth and is used as mikroklizm for the child. Or babies are still such folk remedies for the treatment of parasites in the body, such as:

    Carrot juice
  • introduction cloves of garlic in the anus when pinworm;
  • carrot juice, taken on an empty stomach with honey;
  • enema with a decoction of garlic in warm milk.

Unfortunately, for infants ways to get rid of ossiuri folk remedies, not so much, because it is not possible to receive many of your products have on the helminth to devastating effect. But for older children and for adults, a popular way are numerous and effective, including:

  • drink an infusion of artemisia with the milk;
  • decoction elecampane, and the celandine in equal proportions;
  • welcome to the fasting of hemp oil;
  • the consumption of pumpkin seeds.